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Kinich Kakmo (Kinich Kak Mo= "sun-faced")

The largest and oldest pyramid of the five pyramids located IN the town of Izamal, this one in the center of the city. Open map option at right (under date taken) and choose "hybrid" for an idea of its location. The upper half of the stairway shown is in very poor condition, so climbing THAT is a challenge, indeed, but you see some of our party have done it. I am on a half-way up platform, having already climbed one substantial level from the street. The platform is a large open area with several trees, giving a view out over the city. From the very top, where these figures are, one can see much further over the landscape of Yucatan. ". . . a great pyramid to the Maya Sun God, Kinich Kak Mo, with a base covering over 2 acres (8,000 m²) of ground and a volume of some 700,000 cubic meters. Atop this grand base is a pyramid of 10 levels." "Kinich Kakmo means the sun with a face. Ancient Maya books say that the rays were of fire and descended at mid- day to consume the sacrifice. . . " "After the Spanish conquest of Yucatán in the 16th century a Spanish colonial city was founded atop the existing Maya one; however it was decided that it would take a prohibitively large amount of work to level these two huge structures and so the Spanish contented themselves with placing a small Christian temple atop the great pyramid and building a large Franciscan monastery atop the acropolis." Read more about Kinich Kak Mo, here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izamal

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