Hibridaciones, an temporary exhibit on display at El Gran Museo del Mundo Maya de Mérida from 2021 to 2023, created by the curator Leïla G. Voight, brings together the French artist ORLAN and the Mexican creators Demián Flores and Lorena Ancon. In Self-Hybridations Mayas (Autohibridaciones mayas), ORLAN shows his face hybridized with pre-Hispanic era sculptures, reinterpreting his own image. A complementing series of sculptures, De/construcción de una nación by Oaxacan artist Demián Flores, mixes characters and animals, inspired by Pre-Columbian sculptures. Gran Museo del Mundo Maya (Mayan World Museum of Mérida) opened in 2021. The contemporary building, designed by by Grupo 4A Arquitectos, is in the form a ceiba, a sacred tree believed by the Maya to connect the living with the underworld and heavens above. The museum's permanent galleries house a collection of more than 1100 remarkably well-preserved ancient Mayan artifacts.