Exif info
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    • JFIFVersion: 1.02
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    • JFIFVersion: 1.02
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    • X-Resolution: 300 dpi
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    • Make: Apple
    • Model: iPhone 14
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Kukulcán ("El Castillo")

Chichén Itzá is one of the most important ruins on Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula. It is located about 120 kilometers east of Mérida in the state of Yucatán. Its ruins date back to the late Maya period. With an area of 1,547 hectares[1], Chichén Itzá is one of the most extensive archaeological sites in the Yucatán. The center is occupied by numerous monumental representative buildings with a religious and political background, from which a large, largely preserved step pyramid protrudes. There are ruins of upper class houses in the immediate vicinity. The structure is 24 m (79 ft) high, plus an additional 6 m (20 ft) for the temple at the top. The square base measures 55.3 m (181 ft) across.

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